Tag Archives: invisalign vs. braces

Confidence Is Key: Smile with Invisalign

Confidence is something that people from all walks of life should have. Whether you’re a hardworking professional managing the rigors of the business world, or a blossoming teenager navigating through those formative (and sometimes tedious) high school years, learning to carry one’s self with confidence is a skill that everyone can benefit from. However, there are numerous obstacles in life that can hurt or be a hindrance to your confidence, and if you are self-conscious about your smile, this can certainly be an issue. We can help you smile with Invisalign!

Smile with Invisalign

Sadly, according to a recent survey conducted by the American Association of Orthodontists, approximately one-third of the U.S. population today report being unhappy with their smile, with many people saying that their smile would be the first thing that they would that they would like to change about their appearance. With such staggering statistics, it’s clear that a person’s smile can have a major positive or negative impact on their confidence, and with so many new innovations in dental technology, there’s simply no reason for your smile to bring you down!

Therefore, at Overland Park Dentistry, we have introduced a fantastic new technology to our patients known as Invisalign.  As an alternative to traditional braces that has allowed us to restore the smiles of patients of all ages and helped them regain their confidence!

Related Article: Brace Yourself for Invisalign Teen

The Skinny on Invisalign

Invisalign comes in the form of thin, removable, transparent aligners that are customized to fit over your teeth. These soft, but resilient aligners are designed to be worn on a daily basis, and only to be removed when eating or brushing your teeth. Each aligner is to be worn approximately one to two weeks, after which being discarded and replaced with a new one, thus consistently adjusting and realigning the patient’s teeth. The realignment process in its entirety can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months depending on each individual case and requires the user to make relatively few changes to their daily habits. Due to their transparency, minimally invasive nature, and of course overall effectiveness, Invisalign is an ideal solution for those who are eager to straighten their teeth, but self-conscious about doing so as Invisalign can effectively improve your smile while remaining virtually unnoticeable.

Related Article: Smile Bright with Invisalign Invisible Braces

Invisalign & Braces: What’s the Difference?

In contrast to the newly introduced Invisalign, standard metal braces have been used for many years, and have been well established as the primary method to straighten one’s teeth and correct their jaw alignment. However, while sturdy and effective, the downside of braces is the fact that they do require an extra amount of care and unfortunately, they will require you to avoid certain food products. Food items such as popcorn, hard fruits, hard candy, chewing gum, and corn on the cob, are all products that you are recommended not to eat while wearing braces, as they are likely to compromise the brace’s structure or get caught between the metal brackets or wires. Additionally, other less than desirable aspects of braces is the relative discomfort that users sometimes experience while wearing the devices, as well as their appearance causing occasional social anxiety. As mentioned previously, these key differences from braces are perhaps what has led to the recent surge in Invisalign’s popularity, and while Invisalign isn’t right for everyone, it has provided an ideal solution for many.

Restore Your Confidence With Invisalign!

At Overland Park Dentistry, we believe that a healthy dose of confidence is something that everyone deserves to have, and if your smile is hurting your confidence, then you owe it to yourself to change that! In addition to the highly sought after Invisalign technology, at Overland Park Dentistry we offer a multitude of different cosmetic, restorative, and preventive based treatments to keep your smile confident and healthy for many years to come! We can help you smile with Invisalign!

Local dentist, Dr. Charles R. Kimes, DDS, and his team at Overland Park Dentistry look forward to having the opportunity to care for you and your family with preventativerestorative or cosmetic dentistry. To schedule your dental appointment with your Overland Park Dentist, contact us at our south Overland Park office at (913) 647-8700 or our north Overland Park office at (913) 341-2380.

Brace Yourself with Invisalign Teen!

As something of a time-honored tradition, traditional metal braces have become something of a hallmark of one’s teenage years. While these metallic devices have never been the most fashionable, over the years they have proven themselves to be an effective solution in straitening teeth. However, despite their ability to correct misaligned teeth, traditional metal braces do not come without their share of drawbacks as well.

  • Clunky and cumbersome, traditional braces have been known to cause users a certain amount of discomfort, requiring frequent trips to the orthodontist for tightening and adjustments.
  • Braces also require several dietary and lifestyle changes, as standard braces prohibit patients from enjoying certain food products that are particularly hard, crunchy, or chewy, since the food particles may damage or get stuck in the wires or metal brackets.

While the inconveniences of having braces remain par for the course for many American teens, a sleek new alternative known as Invisalign Teen has recently taken the dental industry by storm and looks to give traditional braces a run for their money!

Related Article: Smile Bright with Invisalign Invisible Braces

Invisalign Teen is A New Alternative

As one of the most popular new innovations within the dental industry, Invisalign teen invisible braces have quickly become the poster child for cosmetic dentistry as well as standing as a testament to the capability of modern dental technology.

As an alternative to the standard dental braces, Invisalign are transparent custom fitted aligners that are designed to straighten and ultimately realign your teeth. The purpose of the Invisalign device is not only to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, but also to correct any jaw alignment issues or irregularities, such as underbite, overbite, crossbite, ect. The Invisalign aligners are temporary, interchangeable aligners that are to be changed every two weeks over a period of generally six to eighteen months or more, depending on the patient’s specific needs. Unlike traditional braces, the Invisalign aligners are easily removable, require patients to make relatively few (if any) lifestyle changes, and are virtually unnoticeable.

Here’s what current Invisalign Teen user, Isabella Russell, (14) has to say about her experience.

No one really notices my aligners unless I tell them. My friends who have braces can’t eat certain things or have their teeth whitened, but I can and I think they’re a bit jealous of that.”

Indeed, by eliminating any anxiety or embarrassment, that has been an issue among braces users in the past, Invisalign Teen has become one of the most sought-after commodities – not just the among the teenage demographic – but also for adults, with Invisalign users ranging in age from 8 to 80!

Invisalign Technology: The Sky’s the Limit!

As advanced as modern dental technology is today, chances are that it will only continue to further build upon and be improved, and the Invisalign technology is certainly no exception to this! With continuing advancements in technology, the Invisalign treatment will likely only get better in time, providing endless future possibilities! 

Related Article: Invisalign: Technology is Beautiful

So, if you are unhappy with you current smile or wish your teeth were straighter, come see us at Overland Park Dentistry, and see what Invisalign technology can do for you!

Local dentist, Dr. Charles R. Kimes, DDS, and his expert team at Overland Park Dentistry look forward to having the opportunity to care for you and your family with any preventativerestorative or cosmetic needs you or your family may have. To schedule your dental appointment with your Overland Park Dentist, contact us at our south Overland Park office at (913) 647-8700 or our north Overland Park office at (913) 341-2380.

Invisalign vs Braces: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!


Invisalign vs braces … In recent years dentistry has undergone something of a revolution as new and improved technology continues to expand and alter the field of dentistry in numerous innovative ways. Although this new high tech approach to dentistry has proven its overall effectiveness in providing patients nationwide with improved dental care. However, there are still numerous orthodontists and dental practitioners use many of the same basic but effective methods of the trade that they have been using for many years.

One such practice that has become something of a time-honored tradition among teens and young adults is braces. However like many of traditional dental and orthodontic practices, the recent arrival of the new cutting edge Invisalign technology now stands as a sleek new alternative that has given the previously unchallenged traditional braces a run for their money!  So the showdown of Invisalign vs Braces continues … will you choose technology over tradition like so many others?

Invisalign vs Braces … Braces:

Traditional dental braces as you probably already know have been used to straighten and realign the teeth of patients for decades, and though clunky and sometimes cumbersome they continue to prove themselves as an effective solution for many patients across the globe.

Braces | Pros:

Although sometimes considered unsightly and even a bit painful, there are certain advantages for patients receiving standard dental braces. Perhaps one of the main advantages of traditional braces is their ability to adjust the alignment of a patient’s jaw.  This can be seen in those who have or have previously suffered from an overbite, underbite, or even a crossbite. Usually standard metal wire braces are employed to correct these types of issues. Another and perhaps less obvious advantage to traditional braces is simply their stationary nature. Although this often depends on the personal preference of the given patient, there have been a few instances in which removable Invisalign aligners have been misplaced and ultimately have been lost. While such occurrences are seldom and the aligners can certainly be replaced, obviously users of traditional braces have no such issue as the devices cannot be removed unless done so by a professional orthodontist.

Braces | Cons:

While strong and effective, traditional braces have unfortunately been known to be in some instances unsightly, and at times even painful for the user. Routine tightening appointments, cleanings, or other maintenance seem to be common pitfalls of classic dental braces. While this may be no big deal for some, finding time to make those monthly appointments can be a bit of a challenge for others. Another less than favorable aspect of life with braces is the often tedious process of brushing and keeping your braces clean. Due the unevenness and bulk of traditional dental braces, many patients find themselves struggling to keep all areas surrounding the teeth clean, as the braces may limit access to teeth. As a result of this, patients with standard braces may find excessive buildup of plaque and other substances in the inaccessible areas which if left for too long, may result in cavities or other damage.

Invisalign vs Braces … Invisalign:

While the term Invisalign might still be somewhat unfamiliar to those outside the dental profession, in recent years Invisalign has slowly but surely becoming synonymous with cosmetic dentistry. As these clear, custom-fitted dental aligners have become increasingly popular among both dental practitioners and patients alike.

Invisalign | Pros:

The recent rise in popularity of Invisalign technology is due in no small part to the numerous practical and cosmetic benefits that Invisalign offers as opposed to standard braces. While praise for the Invisalign aligners varies from person to person, perhaps one of the highest praised aspects among patients past and present are the quick and effective results produced by Invisalign. Due to the frequency in which the temporary Invisalign aligners must be replaced, (each aligner must be discarded and replaced with a new one every two weeks) the process it takes to ultimately straighten a patient’s teeth is exponentially shorter, as it often ranges anywhere from 6 to 18 months. While the quick results are highly regarded among users of Invisalign, another distinct advantage experienced by the user is the quick and easy access while practicing dental hygiene. As mentioned in the previous section, the bulk and uneven spacing of the standard braces can cause difficulty when brushing and cleaning your teeth. However due to the Invisalign aligners being easily removable, not only will you be able to easily clean your teeth,  but will also allow you to eat and enjoy certain foods that may be difficult to chew with braces. A third and particularly comforting feature of Invisalign is the overall pain-free experience by the patient when using them. As mentioned previously, traditional dental braces require occasional tightening and adjustments. However with Invisalign’s soft but flexible custom fitted aligners, all pain (if any) experienced by the patient is reduced greatly, providing them with a much more pleasant overall experience.

Invisalign | Cons:

While issues with Invisalign aligners rarely occur, the occasional loss of an aligner has been experienced by patients in the past, and if one is not careful, this can be a problem. While the clear material of the aligner does certainly prove itself to be aesthetically beneficial, (as it generally cannot be seen when in use) this may also make it difficult to see when not in use, making it easier to misplace. Although never an issue in the past, it could also be said that Invisalign is less effective than traditional braces when realigning a patient’s jaw. While this may be true, it should also be noted that in certain cases jaw alignment is the sole purpose for having dental braces, as opposed to actually correcting teeth.

Related Article: Achieve a Perfect Smile with an Invisalign Dentist

Invisalign vs Braces: What’s right for you?

By comparing these two options: Invisalign vs braces, you can clearly see a distinct difference in how Invisalign technology and classic dental braces can alter and ultimately benefit your smile. While we hope the information provided may be useful, if you’re trying to decide which option is right for you, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles R. Kimes at Overland Park Dentistry, as he has been perfecting the art of a beautiful smile with Invisalign for years. Remember whether you’re taking the classic approach and receiving braces, or investing in the revolutionary new Invisalign aligners, you are taking a great step in achieving a flawless smile. Which is something that no matter the approach is truly timeless!

Dr. Charles R. Kimes, DDS and his expert team at Overland Park Dentistry look forward to having the opportunity to upgrade your smile with Invisalign! Or with any preventativerestorative or cosmetic needs you or your family may have. To schedule a dental appointment, contact us at our south Overland Park office at (913) 647-8700 or our north Overland Park office at (913) 341-2380.